RESOLUTE is a true-absolute, fine pitch optical encoder system that has excellent dirt immunity, and an impressive specification that breaks new ground in position feedback. It is the world’s first absolute encoder capable of 1 nm resolution up to 100 m/s for linear systems, and 32-bit resolution up to 36 000 rev/min for rotary systems. Ultra low Sub-Divisional Error and jitter result in a linear encoder system that outperforms any other encoder in its class.
Additionally, RESOLUTE is available in 3 more application-specific ‘versions’:
- RESOLUTE UHV brings absolute encoder technology to ultra-high vacuum applications up to 10-10 Torr, allowing customers to achieve higher throughput, reduce risks of damage and increase dependability.
- RESOLUTE ETR (Extended Temperature Range) is a true-absolute, fine pitch optical encoder system that is able to operate in environments with extreme high and low temperatures.
- NEW: RESOLUTE FS (Functional Safety) is an open optical, true absolute encoder that is certified to SIL2 and PLd for functional safety applications.
RESOLUTE is the winner of a Queen’s Award for Enterprise 2015 in the Innovation category
RESOLUTE encoder series